API Keys

You can use Rowan's web interface to manage your API keys for Rowan's Python API.

Create a New API Key

To create a new API Key, navigate to "Account" (top right corner) > "Account Settings" > "API Keys."

Click "Create New API Key," and a window will pop up asking for:

  • Name (this is so you can identify the key)
  • Expiration date

Once you've input that information, click "Create." The window will then display your genereated API key, which will start with rowan-sk. Save this key! You will not be able to view it again.

There is no limit to the number of API keys one user can generate.

Deleting an API Key

To delete an API Key, navigate to "Account" (top right corner) > "Account Settings" > "API Keys."

Hover over the row of the API key you would like to delete and click the trash icon. The system will confirm the deletion, and when you click "OK," the key will be deleted.

Deleting the API key will take effect immediately, so be sure to update any scripts you've written using that key.