Workflows on Rowan can be organized using a file system similar to those found in modern operating systems like the one found on your computer. The workflows are the "files" and folders can be created to organize them however you'd like.
Every Rowan user has a "Home" folder which is where workflows will end up if you don't make any additional folders. Folders have very similar functionality to folders on your computer with a few enhancements namely the ability to star and add notes to folders.
To create a new folder, click the drop down of the folder name you're in and click "New folder"
If you have particularly important folders you can star them to set them apart. To star you can either hit the 3 dot menu when you are outside the folder, or hit the folder dropdown when you're inside the folder.
After you star the folder, the star will be visible in the sidebar as well as when you enter the folder or search for the folder in the search bar.
You can add notes to folders that can help you remember what the workflows in that folder are for or interesting things that come up as you run workflows. As seen in the "Starring Folders" section you can add a note to a folder via the folder dropdown menu when you're inside of the folder.
After you hit add notes a text box will appear in the sidebar where you can write to your heart's content
Similar to starring folders you can rename folders via the three dot or dropdown folder menus.
You can move folders by clicking Move in the folder three dot menu or by hitting the move icon that shows up when you select an item in the sidebar. When you click, a modal will pop up that will allow you to navigate thefilesystem and place the folder right where you want it. Just like the filesystem on your computer, nesting folders is valid.
Sharing workflows one by one can be tediuos if there are many. Thankfully, you can share a folder which shares all the workflows in the folder as well. This can be done in the three dot or drowndown menus.
Folders show up in both "Search in Rowan" and the "Search within folder" based on their names.
You can delete folders via the three dot or dropdown menus as well as the trash icon that appears when you select items in the sidebar.
Starring, renaming, moving, sharing, searching, and deleting workflows works exactly the same as folders.
Notes for workflows live in the section to the right of the molecule viewer. Simply navigate to the notes section and hit edit to begin adding notes.