Credits & Billing

Every time you run a job on Rowan, you spend credits. One credit is one minute of computational time. Calculations and workflows will always show the number of credits they cost in the "Overview" or "Info" tab.

Weekly Free Calculations

Users can also run up to 20 low-cost calculations for free per week. To be eligible to be free, a calculation must have 50 or fewer atoms and only use xTB or AIMNet2. This applies to our workflows—pKa, redox, Fukui, etc.—as well as to normal calculations.

Check Your Credit Balance

You can check your credit balance in a few places, including:

  • by clicking the "Account" icon (top right corner)
  • navigating to the billing page ("Account" [top right corner] > "Account Settings" > "Billing")

Configure Credit Warnings and Limits

You can set up a credit balance warning (as well as a credit usage warning and limit) on your account settings page ("Account" [top right corner] > "Account Settings").

If you pass your credit balance warning threshold, Rowan will let you know in two ways:

  1. You'll get an email from Rowan alerting you.
  2. When you log into Rowan, an alert box will pop up in the bottom right of your screen.

Purchase More Credits

When your credit balance reaches 0, you won't be able to run any new jobs. (We're working on an auto-recharge feature to keep your credit balance topped up.)

To purchase more credits, navigate to the billing page ("Account" > "Account Settings" > "Billing") and click "Purchase Credits." This will take you to a checkout screen, where you can input your billing information.

Your billing history will be saved, and you can quickly sort through your past transactions on the billing page.

View Your Billing history

To view your billing history, navigate to the billing page ("Account" > "Account Settings" > "Billing").